Bjørn Uldall

Bjørn as presented through the eyes of his colleagues

You can learn more on Bjørn’s professional life and contact him on the following links

Bjørn has a vulnerability about him that I find moving. He’s been dear to me since the first time I met him.

Hanne Lindblad, re:lead

When a dilemma is allowed to persist for too long, the conflict it creates can have one party up against the wall, feeling threatened. That’s when Bjørn walks calmly into the scene. He takes a breath, grounds himself, looks around, and uses his presence to create the security that has hitherto been lacking.

Bjørn is conscious about how we apply ourselves, engage with each other, and our land, which he cares for so deeply. How can we consume and, at the same time, give something back? He approaches this question as one would a scientific field: scrutinizing, researching, and searching for the answer in the small patterns that people's movements create in the world.

What is happening inside me, and inside you? Almost meditatively, Bjørn is aware of the emotional patterns that run through him and others. Whether in his work, or private life, it is through his patience, knowledge and caring energy, that he brings himself into play. Even when it seems difficult, he creates awareness and intimacy by engaging himself into the here and now, where help is needed.

“Our work at re:lead is not dependent on our profession: it’s about being human.

- Bjørn Uldall, re:lead