Michael Binzer

Michael as presented through the eyes of his colleagues

You can learn more on Michael’s professional life and contact him on the following links

Michael exudes confidence, which made me instantly want to get to know him better.

- Morten Bruhn, re:lead

As a young man growing up in Greenland, Michael bought himself a dinghy. Seeking adventure, he bade farewell to family and friends, and sailed out into the wild, alone, under a blue sky - the shade of blue that you only experience in complete solitude. Days under that blue sky turned to deep black, broken only by the shimmering of the stars. 

Under the veil of such a dark night, when you can no longer see your own fingertips, you can begin to question where your own self ends, and where nature takes over.

You could say that being with Michael is similar. The dynamic between people is in constant motion like when out on the open sea: the waves carry us where they will - to new places. While we can never be sure of where our journey will take us, the tide is Michael’s friend, and he can be counted on to help steer us on the journey.

People we meet in Nuuk will often take Michael’s hand. He remembers their names, their journeys of development and challenges they faced, that he was instrumental in solving at a company. With his continuous leadership development program, Michael has helped to set in motion a popular movement in Greenlandic society. His purpose is clear; that people must grasp their entire, inner capacity.

“My calling is the work that we do around leadership, here at re:lead. I’ve witnessed, first-hand, the transformation in people when they find the courage to lead and believe they can lead themselves and others.”

Michael Binzer