Morten Bruhn Højsgaard

Morten as presented through the eyes of his colleagues

You can learn more on Morten’s professional life and contact him on the following links

“Morten has a big heart for people, and he loves to follow their growth and development.”

- Jørgen Lauge Sørensen, re:lead.

“What do I want, and where am I headed?" These are the questions Morten often asks himself. He is such that others are inspired to follow, not because they have to, but because his path is marked with a clear sense of purpose, often in the face of challenges, but always with a desire to move forward towards a place where he feels connected to others, his work, and life itself.

One day in March, Morten stood up from his position as a leader, which he had served as for nine years. What began as a whisper in his ear - the feeling that things needed to be done in a new way, had now become a loud, and persistent call. He wanted to help more companies breathe more freely, to create space, and provide the tools so that employees dare to listen to themselves, and others, with ease.

Morten has a natural respect for the courage it takes to initiate change and cross the boundaries one has previously avoided. It is perhaps why people find great comfort in working with him when implementing new approaches, methods, and ideas. He has a sense for human dynamics - one step at a time, eye contact that creates trust, and finally, the truth that is spoken aloud. And just like that, we are already making progress.

Through re:lead, I experience people opening their eyes to new possibilities and creating positive working conditions for themselves and their colleagues.

- Morten Bruhn Højsgaard, re:lead